10 Tips for Surviving Graduate School – Again!

Managing your career/education/romantic life/social life/family life is effing hard.

Grad School:  Where getting up is an accomplishment
This blog post,10 Tips for Surviving Graduate School, tells it like it is.  Written in a raw, in-your-face-style, it offers some practical advice, but it’s really more comfort food.  As in, “parts of grad school suck, but they suck for all of us.” It’s reassuring in a toasted-cheese-sandwich-&-tomato-soup sort of way. The blog is For Business & Pleasure:  Thoughts & adventures of a twenty-something MBA student.  It might be worth subscribing to, providing you have time to read a blog for pure pleasure.

12 Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Grad School

Tips for surviving grad schoolManage your time well. Have a life outside of school. Pick opportunities wisely. These at nine other tips are fully explored 12 Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Grad School on psychcentral.com an independent mental health social network.

Tips are broken down by Academics, Thesis and Social Life.  Most of us are unfamiliar with the term “social life,” but using the context of the social life tips, it will be able to construct its meaning.


Surviving Graduate School – 3 Tips for Survival & Success

Survive grad school 3 tipsSurviving Graduate School – 3 Tips for Survival & Success is like, “What? Only 3???”  Yes, only three.  But they are three very well-chosen tips and that have been thoughtfully elaborated on.  There are even sub tips under the tips.  The following four sub tips are under Tip 1:  Make the most out of your relationship with your graduate advisor. 

  1. Meet on a regular basis.
  2. Be prepared and organized.
  3. Follow-up.
  4. Be proactive.

It’s a very well organized, thoughtful site with a lot of really valuable information!

Top 10 Tips for Surviving Grad School

Top 10 Tips for Surviving Graduate SchoolHmmm … from scholarships.com.  Sound sketchy.  But the tips in Top 10 Tips for Surviving Grad School aren’t bad:

  • Take advantage of professors and other contacts around you.
  • Revise your approach.
  • Get organized.
  • Take initiative

Our personal favorite:  Expect to be busy.  Really? What a revelation!  But seriously, how many of us accurately predicted, down to the minute, exactly how busy we’d be?  We shouldn’t mock the obvious.

12 Keys for Success in Grad School

Find the Grad StudentPardon the obvious, but relevantmagazine.com is a pretty, well, relevant site.  It’s also pretty slick.  12 Keys for Success in Grad School offers some really insightful tips “Go for a brisk walk” and “Control your destiny, Under God” (which isn’t as religious as it may sound).

Warning:  The site has a lot of rich, contemporary content.  If you’re looking at this link for as a quick, study break, viewer beware.  It can be very, very easy to get sucked in to articles that have a lot of impact, thereby eating up time you should be spending writing philosophical meanderings about culture shift.