March 23, 2018: Free day in Santorini

A collection of sights from our first day in Santorini…

Wake up in the morning circa 4 a.m. to make the 5 a.m. shuttle bus to the airport (Athens to Santorini).

Anne and Michelle get breakfast at the airport. Need coffee.

The King Thiras hotel had breakfast waiting for us! So thoughtful and much appreciated!

There’s a bunch of feral (but friendly) cats running around the island!

View through a window from a decrepit building.

There’s also a lot of familiar birds!

A group of us rented ATV’s and went out to explore. Here’s Brenna gassing up!

Super fun.

Of course the ATV group needed to stop by Santo Winery for a quick drink.

Panorama of a view from one of the stops!

Famous blue domes!

A beautiful view!

We all met up for dinner at the Naoussa Restaurant.

-Marisa and Ellen