UPDATE: Angus Kittleman & Kate Bromley: FBAs and Work-Based Learning

Angus_Kittelman1. ResearKate_Wagnerchers’ names: Doctoral Students Angus Kittleman, Co-PIs (angusk@uoregon.edu) & Kate Bromley (kwagner3@uoregon.edu); Faculty Advisor Valerie Mazzotti (vmazzott@uoregon.edu)

2. Study Title: Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Support Plans for Work-Based Learning

3. Phase of studyArticle is out in the spring issue of Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.

Kittelman, A., Wagner Bromley, K., & Mazzotti, V. L. (2016). Functional behavioral assessments and behavior support plans for work-based learning. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39(2), 121-127. doi: 10.1177/2165143416633682

4. Population or age group: Individuals with low-incidence disabilities engaging in minor to moderate problem behaviors in secondary education.

5. Summary: This is intended to be a practitioner article designed to assist job coaches with students in secondary settings engaging in minor to moderate problem behaviors that are participating in work-based learning experiences (e.g., working at restaurants, movie theaters, office environment). The paper discusses the basic process for competing a functional behavioral assessment, along with specific strategies for tailoring behavior support plans for students in community settings. A modified brief functional assessment interview tool was also created for the purposes of this article to assist practitioners in gathering additional ecological information concerning student’s job strengths to better support students participating in these types of community experiences.

6. Opportunity for Participation: Although there is no opportunity to participate at this time, future single case studies on this particular topic are in the early planning process. Please email Angus Kittelman or Kate Bromley if you are interested in possible future collaboration.

Sarah Hansen – Shared moments: a parent-mediated, play based, joint attention intervention

Sarah Hansen1. Researcher name: Doctoral Students Sarah Hansen, PI (sgh@uoregon.edu), Tracy Raulston, Rebecca Frantz; Wendy Machalicek, Faculty Advisor (wmachali@uoregon.edu)

2. Study Title: Shared moments: a parent-mediated, play based, joint attention intervention

3. Phase of Study: Intervention/data analysis

4. Population or age group: Children with ASD ages 3-6

 5. Summary: This is a single subject multiple-baseline design across parent-child dyads to see if  parents can be trained to successfully implement a naturalistic and behavioral joint attention intervention. Four parents intervened on response to joint attention behaviors in their young (3-5) children with ASD. Joint attention, or shared attention on an object or event with another person is a pivotal social communication skill often missed in children with ASD.

6. Opportunity for Participation: Not currently.