Blog Posts

Oregon RTI Conference in Eugene

The Oregon RTI Conference is here in Eugene on April 4 and 5 and the coordinators are looking for some assistance in hosting the sessions –but then you can attend for free and hear great sessions, network and have free food! Here is a link to the conference about the range of presenters:

If you are interested in volunteering as a room host please sign up here:

Attending this conference would fulfill a compentency on Professional Enhancement/Development if you also complete a report with the following information: (a) Justification for activity (b) Specifications of competencies to be achieved (c)Description of specific tasks (d)List of anticipated products/outcomes (e) Timeline for completion of activities and products (f) Written personal evaluation of activity. Make sure to confirm with your faculty advisor and with your SPED student handbook on the requirements to complete this competency.

Graduate School Fair

Description: Explore your interest in pursuing an advanced degree at the Graduate School Fair. There will be representatives from graduate programs across the United States (including the University of Oregon), offering a diverse range of degree programs and academic disciplines. Mini-workshops will feature career coaches, admissions reps, and graduate students who will demystify the application process, tips on how to write your purpose statement, and provide tips for maximizing your experience at the fair.

When: November 8, 2023

Time: 11am to 3pm

Where: EMU Ballrooms

Find more information at

Job Opportunities at Illinois State University

Position 1: Assistant / Associate Professor (Tenure Track, Nine-Month Appointment)

Start Date: August 16, 2024

Job Description:

This university is seeking qualified candidates in special education with expertise in culturally and linguistically responsive practices. Candidates must also have expertise in developing diverse, rigorous teacher preparation programs and/or diversifying the teacher workforce.

The responsibilities for this position include effective undergraduate and graduate teaching, scholarly research/publishing, and service. The successful candidate will have an active line of research relevant to special education and engage in service to the university and profession. The typical teaching load is nine credit hours per semester. The individual in this position is thus expected to teach 3 courses each semester in the Department of Special Education. The successful candidate will have expertise in the fundamentals of special education and be prepared to teach courses in the areas of inclusive education, assessment in special education, and culturally responsive teaching practices.

Recently, the Department of Special Education has expanded the teacher preparation routes to improve our recruitment of non-traditional college students and to address teacher shortages through programs, such as online programs for paraprofessionals (PULSE) and a graduate program for general education teachers seeking special education licensure. As we continue to explore ways to diversify rigorous pathways to licensure, the Department of Special Education desires to find faculty with expertise and a deep understanding of the issues faced by teacher preparation programs offering traditional and innovative programs. We anticipate the successful candidate will advance our efforts to enhance our teacher preparation programs and help develop innovative programming that can serve to diversify the teaching force and relieve personnel shortages in special education.

Required Qualifications:

  1. Hold an earned doctorate in special education or related field (however, all-but- dissertation [ABD] doctoral candidates will be considered);
  2. Have a demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in teaching, research, and service as articulated in the required EDIA statement and across your application materials;
  3. Have evidence of experience in PreK–age 22 education;
  4. Embrace culturally and linguistically responsive teaching practices, as articulated in the

    teaching philosophy statement and across your application materials;

  5. Demonstrate expertise in developing diverse, rigorous teacher preparation programs and/or efforts to diversify the teacher workforce; and
  6. Demonstrate oral proficiency in the English language, as mandated by state law.

Where is the university located?

Find the application here:


Position 2: Assistant / Associate Professor (Tenure Track ; Nine-Month Appointment) ; MATH

Start Date: August 16, 2024

Job Description:

The responsibilities for this position include effective undergraduate and graduate teaching, scholarly research/publishing, and service. The successful candidate will develop and maintain an active line of research relevant to special education and engage in service to the university and profession. The successful candidate will prepare teacher candidates in designing effective math instruction for students with disabilities, with knowledge of research-based math strategies.

Currently, the Department of Special Education offers a math methods course, SED 368, in our Learning Behavior Specialist (LBS) 1, Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH), and Low Vision/Blindness (LVB) sequences (traditional undergraduate) and for our new, fully online LBS1 sequence for our PULSE program. The successful candidate will have the expertise needed to teach this class as well as other general foundational courses in special education and contribute to the ongoing improvement of how our program prepares future special educators to teach math in inclusive and culturally responsive schools.

Required Qualifications: 

  1. Hold an earned doctorate in special education or related field (however, all-but-dissertation [ABD] doctoral candidates will be considered);
  2. Have a demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA) in their teaching, research, and service as articulated across their application materials;
  3. Have classroom teaching experience with students with disabilities in PreK–age 22;
  4. Have experience teaching math courses in teacher preparation at the university level and/or research related to mathematics and disability (e.g., teacher preparation or math interventions for students with disabilities);
  5. Demonstrate oral proficiency in the English language, as mandated by state law.

Find the application here:





Guest Lecture Event

Join us this Friday, February 3rd at 2:00 pm to watch the incredible Dr. Allison-Burbank, an indigenous scholar, who will be giving a research colloquium on Language as Medicine in HEDCO 142.

Indigenous scholar with  turquoise bolero smiling.

Also, we want to let all doctoral students know that there is an opportunity to meet and connect with Dr. Allison-Burbank through a doc student bring-your-own-lunch event. This will take place on Thursday, February 2nd at noon in HEDCO 240.

Lecture events


Black female professor with curly short hair smiling.

Our own Dr. Rhonda Nese is presenting to two lectures on anti-racism, equity, and advocacy in educational settings as part of UO’s Communication Disorders and Sciences program in collaboration with Project IDEA.

On January 18 at 10:50am, Dr. Nese will give a presentation titled “Understanding Implicit Bias.”

On Wednesday, January 25, at 10:50 am, Dr. Nese will give a presentation on “Understanding Microaggressions.” 

You are invited to attend live via Zoom at the following link: 

Meeting ID: 839 6056 9486

Passcode: 985309

A recording of the lectures will also be available following the event. 

For questions, please reach out to Dr. Lauren Cycyk at

Job Opportunity at the University of Nebraska at Kearney

Position role: Assistant or Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

Job Description: The Department of Teacher Education at the University of Nebraska at Kearney is seeking a full-time, tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor in Early Childhood Inclusive Education (i.e., regular and special education) to begin in the Fall of 2023. The successful candidate will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to teach a variety of courses at the undergraduate and/or graduate level with content in early childhood education, early intervention/early childhood special education, and/or early childhood inclusive education. Courses include face-to-face and online delivery formats. We also seek a candidate who is knowledgeable in culturally responsive teaching and in working with diverse student populations. Candidates should also be able to supervise field experience and practicum placements, effectively advise students, and pursue research and scholarly activities. Research and scholarship include conducting research relevant to one’s area, publishing in relevant peer-reviewed journals, and presenting at professional conferences in the candidate’s field of expertise. The successful candidate will also provide significant, ongoing service to the department/ college/ university.

University building with trees adorning building.

Required qualifications: Must have an earned doctorate in education with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education and/or Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education. Qualified candidates with an ABD status will be considered with completion by the time of hire. Must hold, or have held, a valid teaching license/certificate and have a minimum of two years of successful teaching in early childhood education, early intervention, early childhood special education or inclusive education. Must have demonstrated experience with assessment, curriculum, and instruction of young children. Must provide evidence of scholarly productivity.

Where is the university located?- It is located in Kearney, Nebraska. Learn some facts about Kearney here: 

Find the application here: 

Academic Job Opportunity

The School of Special Education in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado is seeking an Assistant/Associate Professor of Special Education with expertise in the Education of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (d/Dhh). Screening of applications will begin on 11/01/2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Submit cover letter, CV, teaching philosophy for children and youth who are d/Dhh, unofficial transcripts, and a list of three references with contact information online at:

The University of Northern Colorado is located in Greeley, Colorado.The city has a population of 110,000 and is situated on the high plains with panoramic views of the Rocky Mountains.

Minimum Qualifications:

• An earned doctorate in Deaf Education or related field. ABD may be considered. • Demonstrated excellence or potential for excellence in scholarship • Demonstrated excellence or potential for excellence in university level teaching • Three years minimum successful teaching in P-12 educational settings with children and youth who are deaf or hard of hearing. • Evidence of a comprehensive d/Dhh teaching philosophy

Preferred Qualifications: • Experience teaching graduate students in online distance modalities. • Demonstrated ability to work effectively with students and colleagues with broadly diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds in educational, research or other work activities. • Ability to communicate in American Sign Language at an intermediate or higher level.


Special Education Department 

Contact: Dr. Sandy Bowen at

Doctoral Conference Award Opportunity!

Are you presenting at a conference in the Fall?


If you are, consider applying to the College of Education (COE) Doctoral Student Conference Travel Awards. Awards are up to $750 for in-person conferences and up to $100 for virtual conferences for COE doctoral students. These awards fund attendance to professional conferences that take place during Fall of 2022.

Awards will be given for conference attendance that occurs between July 1 – December 31, 2022.  Not all submissions will receive awards as funding is limited.

Applications are due by October 24.  For more information on the program and how to apply, visit the following webpage at:

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:

Lisa Fortin at