Sophie Navarro

Arts & Administration



I think of how I organize my projects or where my data is. Things must be organized within categories. File folders assist to keep important paperwork in different categories.  For example, in the workplace we have systems in place to be sure all emails are flagged a with low, medium or high priority. It is imperative to set a system to be sure each task is completed on time and that the individual who has been communicated with is followed up with. There is an exchange within the system. There are many daily goals and weekly goals in the workplace. I find having a log on google is an excellent tool and allows for my student workers to stay accountable on a project. All projects are tracked and initialed when completed. The systems in place in the office has order and functions as a whole. There are systems in how we place office supplies, managing list serves, managing content on the website, how mass broadcast emails are disseminated, how lectures are organized on the UO Events calendar, how the videos from the lectures are advertised and how information is delivered to prospective students. Systems are crucial in meeting deadlines in all job situations.


I look at transparency as open information and honest. In the design world, transparency may reveal images, fonts or artwork. I think of a light table for a cartoonist needing to be able to trace over old drawings in order to keep the character consistent in terms of movement or facial expressions. The light table is giving off that transparency to see that old line or lines. I also think of the old projectors that you can write on plastic transparencies on glass to show notes and gives a new way of looking at something. I think of how the workplace isn’t always transparent. It is important to be able to communicate in an open, healthy and in a transparent way to make sure the information is clearly understood.


I think of quality as having important value. As in a painting, what did the artist use in terms of the quality of the paint? How did they plan the idea for the canvas? What is the value to them and how did they execute that in the quality of the creativity? On the computer, what is value of how an image looks on a particular website? If an image is pixilated and has a jumbled look to it, is the quality reduced? When one looks at a website, the content should be clear and have a sense of quality and order for it to be understood. I know when I see a website that has too much content or movement, it reduces the quality of the very site. I am more likely to move to a different site that has quality over quantity. I think of value, when I think of quality.











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