Sixth-Year Post-Tenure Review
Deadline: Faculty material is due to the Dean’s Office by March 15
If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, materials are due the next business day.
Sixth-Year Post-Tenure Review
Full Professors Only
Following promotion, full professors will have alternating third-year reviews and major sixth-year post-tenure reviews. The primary function of post-tenure reviews is to foster continued faculty professional growth. If a review is not successful, then a development plan may be established.
Post-tenure reviews are required for all tenured faculty except those who hold full-time administrative appointments or who have had approved leaves without pay (LWOP) for reasons not related to their own research. Faculty on yearlong sabbatical may delay the post-tenure review until the following year; however, faculty on a one- or two-term sabbatical will undergo review in the scheduled year during a non-sabbatical term.
Criteria for post-tenure reviews, modified in light of any written agreement with the faculty member, are: 1) the quality of teaching, 2) the quality of research, creative and artistic achievement, and professional growth, and 3) the quality of service. Specific expectations and criteria for post-tenure review should be included in unit promotion and tenure policies.
Required Material
The faculty member is responsible for preparing the following documents:
- Election of criteria. The criteria the bargaining unit faculty member chooses to be reviewed under, if there has been a change in criteria during the preceding six years
- Curriculum Vitae. A comprehensive and current curriculum vitae that includes the faculty member’s current research, scholarly, and creative activities and accomplishments, including publications, appointments, presentations, and other activities.
- Personal Statement. A 3-6 statement developed by the faculty member evaluating their performance during the review period against the applicable criteria for post-tenure review. The personal statement should address the subjects of teaching; scholarship, research, and creative activity; and service contributions to the academic unit, center or institute, school or college, university, profession, and the community. The statement must also include a discussion of contributions to institutional equity and inclusion.
- Sabbatical report, if applicable.
- Evidence of Scholarship. Representative examples of scholarship, research, and creative activity, and any appropriate evidence of national or international recognition or impact during the review period.
Optional Material
- Evidence of Teaching. Representative examples of course syllabi or equivalent descriptions of course content and instructional expectations for courses taught by the faculty member, examples of student work and exams, and similar material. 3-5 examples total are sufficient.
- Evidence of Service. Representative examples of service contributions to the department, school, university, profession, and community. Such evidence could include white papers authored or co-authored by the faculty member, commendations, awards, op-ed pieces, and/or letters of appreciation. The portfolio may also include a short narrative elaborating on the faculty member’s unique service experiences or obligations.
The Dean’s Office will add teaching evaluation material (student experience surveys and peer reviews) to the dossier file.
Review Process
The sixth-year post-tenure review dossier is reviewed internally by the SOMD personnel committee, the department head, and the dean.
The dean will review the file and prepare a separate report and recommendation. The dean will share their report and recommendation with the candidate and allow them 10 days from the date of receipt of the report to provide a written response, which shall be included in the evaluation file when it moves forward. The dean will then submit the complete evaluation file to the provost or designee.
Resources, Templates, and Guides
Office of the Provost Guide and Templates
- OtP GUIDE Candidate Statement and CV
- OtP TEMPLATE CV for Creative Disciplines
- OtP TEMPLATE CV for Scholarly Disciplines
- OtP DOSSIER 6PTR Dossier
- Office of the Provost Guidelines
- SOMD Unit Policies | TTF Professional Responsibilities and TTF Review & Promotion
- CBA Article 20. Tenure Review and Promotion
Updated 9/10/2024