About the Dean’s Office
Sabrina Madison-Cannon
Phyllis and Andrew Berwick Dean and Professor of Dance
Executive Support:
Tiffany Benefiel, Executive Assistant to the Dean
Contact the Dean’s Office
- Visit | 219Q Frohnmayer Music Building
- Mail | 1225 University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1225
- Phone | 541-346-5661
- Email | deanmus@uorgon.edu
SOMD Leadership
- Steve Vacchi, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs | vacchi@uoregon.edu
- Melynn Bates, Associate Dean of Finance and Operations | melynn@uoregon.edu
- Leslie Straka, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies | lstraka@uoregon.edu
- Mike Grose, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies | mgrose@uoregon.edu
- Julie Koch, Assistant Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management | jkoch@uoregon.edu
- Steve Dunn, Director of Facilities Services | sdunn10@uoregon.edu
- Josh Gren, Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing | jgren@uoregon.edu
- Kelsey Isaacs, Director of Development | kelsey3@uoregon.edu
Department Heads
- Steve Rodgers, Department of Academic Music | ser@uoregon.edu
- Patty Delaney, Department of Dance | pdelaney@uoregon.edu
- Sharon Paul, Department of Music Performance | sjpaul@uoregon.edu
Oregon Bach Festival | OBF
- James Boyd, Director of Programming & Administration | jwboyd@uoregon.edu
- Contact OBF | https://oregonbachfestival.org/