Personnel Committee

Position Committee Member (term)
Tenured faculty member – Academic Music Jay Silveira (2023-25)
Tenured faculty member – Dance Walter Kennedy (2024-26)
Tenured faculty member – Music Performance Melissa Peña (2023-25)
Tenured faculty member – At-large Lori Kruckenberg (2024-26)
Tenured faculty member – At-large Pius Cheung (2024-26)
Committee staff support, ex-officio Tiffany Benefiel

In instances of Career faculty reviews, the Dean will appoint a faculty member at the rank of Senior Instructor I or above from the appropriate department. The Personnel Committee will elect a chair from within its membership. In the event of a conflict of interest, a faculty member must recuse themself from those deliberations.

Charge and Responsibilities: The principal work carried out by the Personnel Committee involves performing personnel reviews of tenured and untenured SOMD Faculty involving TTF and NTTF promotion and related actions. The committee considers and recommends the implementation of new policies or procedures, and revisions to existing policies and procedures that are related to the evaluative reviews. The documents “TTF Review and Promotion” and “NTTF Review and Promotion” contain specific descriptions of these reviews.

Eligibility: All SOMD tenured Associate Professors and Full Professors.

Election/Appointment Process: Department Elected.

Term: Two-year terms, except for those filling vacancies in unexpired terms. Membership is staggered with two members elected one year and three members elected the next year. No consecutive terms can be served. A mandatory one-year exclusion will follow two consecutive years of service.

Reporting: Dean.


Updated 06/27/2024