
Social Interaction manuscript_J of Urbanism


Airbnb’s valuation soars to $30 billion

Airbnb and its hosts cash in on Olympics

Airbnb is turning into the hotel chains it disrupted

Airbnb turns to urban planning as it looks towards the future of home-sharing

Tech leaders urge New York Gov. Cuomo to side with Airbnb

Airbnb hires former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to tackle discrimination

Trying to appear “not too black” on Airbnb is exhausting

Airbnb Legalized In Portland: New Approach Could Serve As Blueprint For Other Cities

Shared Economy

Unlocking Urban Political Economies through the Sharing Economy by Nihan Akyelken


Where are all the startups? U.S. entrepreneurship near 40-year low

The Art of the Long View By Peter Schwartz

Barcelona Superilles

BCNecologia_Presentacio Superilles

found at Barcelona’s website for Superilles


Urban Ecology and Computing

Social-interaction_manuscript,  submitted to the Journal of Urbanism, by Philip Speranza
New Ecological Interaction, 18th International Conference on Advanced Urban Designing and Transportation 2016, by Philip Speranza  (ICAUDT Presentation)
“Social Interaction and Cohesion Tool: A Dynamic Design Approach for Barcelona’s Superilles,” ACADIA 2015, Speranza, Kiesler, Mai”
“Parametric Methods and Place’, Journal of Urban Design, by Philip Speranza

Theory – Diagrams

Give Me a Gun and I Will Make All Buildings Move  by Bruno Latour and Albena Yaneva


Between Diagrams and Matter by Alejandro Zaera-Polo

Diagrams Matter, by Stan Allen


Not Unlike Life Itself by James Corner

Field Conditions by Stan Allen

Urban Design

Towards-a-self-sufficient-habitat, Vicente Guallart

A Thousand Years of Non Linear History, Manuel DeLanda

Los Angeles_The Architecture of Four Ecologies_Reyner Banham


The Nature of Economies_Jacobs, J_Intro

The Nature of Economies_Jacobs_7

Urban Design and Sustainability

Data dimension: accessing urbandata and making it accessible (Carlo Ratti, MIT SENSEable Cities Lab),

Sustainable Urban Expansions: the Legacy of the Cerdà Plan by Salvador Rueda,


Neighborhood garden in the eixample, S. Rueda


Phenomenon of Place_Introduction

Phenomenon of Place by Christian Norberg-Schulz

Envelope, Pidgen Seven by Alejandro Zaera-Polo

The Difference is in the Detail by Vitello, Willcocks

Data and Politics

Data in cities counterpoint (politics)

“Open City” video, by Morozov


Ornament and Crime – by Adolf Loos (warning: offensive material)

Structure, Construction, Tectonics

Between Ideas and Matter_Alejandro Zaera-Polo

AD, Time as Medium – The Early Works of Enric Miralles by Philip Speranza

Murder in the Court by Nader Tehrani

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