The modules of the Shaping Light Veil paper screen were cinched to catch and bounce light. The variable pattern shows how parametric modeling can be used with digital fabrication. The modules vary according their distance to an attractor line – the distance is the variable parameter. The farthest ones have square corners with small center openings, the closest ones have the roundest corners with large round openings. After the lines were generated in the Grasshopper plug-in for Rhino, the pattern was cut and scored with a laser engraver in the White Stag Block basement Fablab of the University of Oregon shop managed by instructor John Leahy
[click image for more explanation]
. The piece is part of the Shaping Light project to explore how surfaces can be digitally shaped to generate compelling light and shadow effects. Ideas inspired by artist Erwin Hauer were generated by Nancy Cheng and Jeff Maas during Nancy’s UO AAA Summer Residency from initial studies done with Sina Meier. Nico Wright generated most of the Grasshopper script, even specifying a custom length for each wire clip.
2 Responses to Installation
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I would like to know if you can send me the tutorial to create that kind of pattern, and the definition on grasshopper.
Thank you so much
The variation is a simple linear attraction line. Measure the distance from the center of each square motif to the line, then we made the radius of the petals and dimension of the pinch vary with it. The original petal pattern took more gymnastics. I can dig back through the archives, they are not at hand now.