This video shows a high-powered, 6000k color temperature LED shining directing through the sides of a quarter inch thick acrylic square. The the sides/edges appear to glow brighter than the large faces and also displays an interesting pattern on the wall.
The second part of the video is a projection on the wall coming from the LED shining through a prismatic glass bottle being hand-rotated.
These tests show three silicone funnels of varying size being used to cover the LED array and project the “funneled” light onto the wall. Notice how the square projection gets bigger as the funnel gets smaller.
The second part shows the two brightness settings of the LED and their effect on the funneled projection.
For these tests, I replaced the LED with a basic red laser pointer far less than 5mW of power. I wanted to see how the laser would travel through the acrylic sheet for the first half of the vid. Notice the distorted projection when it goes through the acrylic sheet. Since the sides were cut with a saw blade, many tool marks were left.
For the second half, I pointed the laser through the prismatic glass bottle. This made a very cool light show and demonstrated to be that even the beam from a weak laser could bounce off many facets before finally dissipating.
My next post will feature sketches on how I want to take these findings and construct my final project.