Portfolio Objectives:
- Consider culturally based versus universally based theories of art
- Trace the progress of my course
- Demonstrate my understanding of course materials and art
- Examine contemporary and historical cross-cultural examples of art
- Develop valuable computer skills
- Demonstrate evidence of meeting course objectives
Overview and purpose:
This portfolio will demonstrate my works throughout this course and my understanding toward arts. This portfolio will contain my finish posts, reflection on what I learned and how of those works and reflection satisfied my course objectives. Also, this portfolio will show the progress of development of my understanding and value of arts throughout this term and my future goals in related areas.
Primary audiences:
The primary audiences of my portfolio will be my professor, Scott Huette, and other students from AAD 250 class. However, the audience group will not be limited to the primary audiences. All students, faculties and stuffs from University of Oregon as well as other people who is interesting in art development can be the audiences of my portfolio.
To better trace the progress of building this portfolio and allow audiences can easily target and read different content of this portfolio, I will create a table of content in the main portfolio page with hyperlinks to each sub-page which can produce convenience to my audiences. For each sub-page I will also create links to guide the audiences to the main page and other sub-pages In addition, I will create citation for each of my resource which allow my audience can track those resources to do further reading and researches.
Table of Contents:
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