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Unit 8 Art, Games, and Technology Research

1.Correctly identify the primary thesis of  ”Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” The primary these of “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” by Beverly Jones is that how past art patterns influence the evolution of the formation of computer graphics, and how computer graphics and current art combines to influence the history and cultural bases of computer graphics. Even new technology appears in art project, the origins of the effects do not change over time instead, “ they may be demphasized or emphasized in current art form” (Jones, 51).  In addition, the change of the modern art not only merge into our life quickly, but also become a factor to shape and re-construct our life pattern and cultural background. Just as Jones stated, “These changes contribute to maintenance and change of culturally conditioned conceptual patterns in the larger historical context” (Jones, 51).

 2. Identify one of the three historical examples Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis.

I think one of the three historical examples of Jones provided about her thesis is that  the Romans try to present a 3-D image on a 2-D objects. And Romans have figure out to work the art work on the walls to show a 3-D effects and try to make the image more vivid. This these is consistent with the author’s theory that art and science can never be divided apart, and they are dependent on the presence of each other, Physical principles support the well-established of a realistic art work. This these can be best explained by architecture major, where student need aesthetic ability to construct a paint, also need some scientific background to set up a correct scale to well present the object itself.

3. Provide a compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in todays culture.

I think the most compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in current culture is from energy basis and use high-technology to present art in a diverse  forms rather than using traditional art form. Previously, the art project can only be expressed in paper, sculpture form, and the raw materials are always derived from oil. Thus, traditional art work may increase the dependence on our un-renewable energy resources. I found an interesting example of modern art that has the similar meaning as Jones’ thesis, which is computer animation. “The image is created by means of 3D computer graphics, though 2D computer graphics are still widely used for low bandwidth and faster real-time rendering needs (Science Daily). This technique is identical to how the illusion of movement is achieved with television and motion pictures. Currently, computer animation is essentially another form of art works in today’r culture.It follows the energy consideration of traditional art, also it can produce more mobile and vivid aspects into art project, and bring audience a new version of art world.


 Computer Animation. Science Daily.2013

Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image –Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

Unit 8 Art, Games, and Tech Discussion

After seeing the presentation by Jane McGonigal, I found my views about online games and gamers change totally. I am convinced that “gamers are a human resource that we can use to do real-world work, that games are a powerful platform for change”(McGonigal,TED). First, I am shocked that McGonigal thinks that the time of playing games is not enough since online game is good for human beings, especially using the attitudes in virtual world to solve real-world problems. Later, I noticed that we can be more capable in games than in the reality, and our cooperation ability become much stronger in the games. According to the speaker, people can get continuous positive feedback during the game which will make us chase the “epic win” of the task. We can be more relaxed in the virtual world than in the reality, but I am still unsure whether will we construct real-world ability of solving problems or not in the games. Will online games be helpful to solve problems and will the difference between game and reality make people more want to escape from the real world?

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