
  • Become familiar with the course and requirement
  • Become familiar with the blog functions
  • Understand that values are from external and internal drives of an individual
  • Explore one’s own value system

 Artifact #1:Life Value

Top 5 values :




personal accomplishment


The following 15 other values:




personal development












Today, I woke up in the morning and went out for running around 30 minutes. This activity represent my value of health. Then, I went back home and prepare food for lunch. This activity represent my value of health and enjoyment, since I like preparing health food for myself. After having lunch, I went to library to finish my homework until dinner time. This activity represent my value of personal accomplishment as well as personal development. After dinner, I talked with my family over the phone. This activity represent my value of family. Then I watched movies until late night and go to bed and sleep. This represent my value of enjoyment.

I believe my family was one of the most important factor to drive the development of my values. Health and family values were directly came from my family. My parents prepare health food everyday and they are very concerned about their family members and relationships among the family. However, some of values came from my family to me are not as important as before after I grew up. For example, my parents value location a lot, since they love my home cities and want to live in that city forever. But to me, I might want to move to some bigger cities which may provide better chance for my career. One goal I have and yet to pursue is travelling all around the world to experience different cultures and different people. Time and money are the  difficulties to realize this goal.


The article “A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Live”, written by Lewis provide a solid view of life values which allow me to develop my understanding about human values as well as my own values. In addition, this article allows me to build a better view of about value system was built. In the article, Lewis stated that The most basic ways we come to know something are sense experience, deductive logic, emotion, intuition, authority, and science. (Lewis, 10)  Lewis demonstrates one of the most important factor to drive the development of values which is life experience.  From Lewis’s article, I have the chance to know the external and internal factors to drive my values and have c chance to think about my own values and what developed my own values.

From the value lists, I picked 5 most important values to me which are Health, Family, Security, personal accomplishment, and enjoyment. At the beginning , I was experiencing a hard time to pick the most important values out of 20 values. Then I started to change anther way to choose which is pick the least important values first. The result actually was not surprised me. I value health a lot, because I believe value of health is the first thing that I have to build and understand in order to realize other values. I value family is very important, because in the culture of my family and my country, family actually is more important than myself. Security, personal accomplishment and enjoyment are the three values that I will always pursue in my life. My 5 values are all affected from both internal and external factors such as my own experience and my family.

Learning Goals in the future:

In the future, I want to keep developing my top 5 values and keep make necessary adjustments toward those values under different situations. Also, I will keep enhancing my life experience and knowledge about myself to discover and change opinions toward other values. I understand that from time to time, people’s understanding about different values will change and the importance toward different values will change. But I will keep my top 5 values all the time  and figure out if other values become more important to me.


Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.

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Artifact #1

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Artifact #5

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Artifact #7

Artifact #8