In the presentation “Law That Choke Creativity”, I am touched by the three stories that the speaker Lawrence Lessig talked about. In the first one, he showed that “the culture moved from this read-write to read-only existence” (Lessig, TED). He told us the negative results how these advanced machine block human creativity. In the second one, he stated that “common sense revolts at the idea” (Lessig, TED). This is true in most of our daily life, that our creativity is limited by some traditional rules or regulation, thus some novel thoughts may face pressure when bring out. He also indicated that “we cannot make our kids passive again, and we can only make them, quote, “pirates” (Lessig, TED). I think remix is a better way for us to be more creative since we can be motived by multiple ways or methods. However, I am not sure if advanced technology will replace the human minds and slow down our speed of creativity, but I do think that remix can make us in a better life if we can make through it by using our mind efficiently.
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Thank you for sharing your opinion. I was also impressed by the TED presentation. In this TED speaking, there were two cultures mentioned, which was interesting and convincing to me. One is the read-write culture that “It is a culture where people participate in the creation and the re-creation of their culture” (Lessig). The other is the read-only culture which is “top-down, owned, where the vocal chords of the millions have been lost” (Lessig). I criticize the RO culture because I believe this may inhibit artists’ creativity by the way of not allowing for free opinions. Fortunately, like what Lessig saying, I agree that internet would be the opportunity to revive the RW culture in the modern society.