Tag Archives: Sexual Orientation

US16/17-11: Clarify and Codify the University Committee on Sexual Orientation, Attraction, Gender Identity and Expression

Date of Notice: 11/28/2016

Current Status: Approved 02/01/2017

Motion Type: Legislation

Sponsor: Committee on Committees


Section I

1.1 WHEREAS, the Senate recently updated their bylaws to revise the membership, charge, and name of the University Committee on Sexual Orientation, Attraction, Gender Identity and Expression; and

1.2 WHEREAS, there has been significant confusion about the official and finalized version of the name, reporting structure/classification, membership, and charge of this committee;

Section II

2.1 BE IT THEREFORE MOVED, the Senate hereby confirms the name of the committee as the University Committee on Sexual Orientation, Attraction, Gender Identity and Expression; the committee’s charge and responsibilities, membership structure and appointment of new members; and

2.2 BE IT FURTHER MOVED, the Senate hereby confirms this committee will report to the University Senate; and

2.3 BE IT FURTHER MOVED, the Senate hereby confirms the committee’s charge and responsibilities, membership, meeting structure, and appointment/confirmation of new members, as outlined in the revised 17 pt. chart (please see Related Documents);

Related Documents:

Updated 17 pt. chart for University Committee on Sexual Orientation, Attraction, Gender Identity and Expression (SOAGIE)

Revised 17 pt. chart for SOAGIE_Jan. 31, 2017

Senate Meeting Agenda – January 18, 2017


Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms)
3:00 – 5:00 P.M.

3:00 P.M. Call to Order

Introductory Remarks: Bill Harbaugh (Economics), Senate President

Approval of Minutes: November 16, 2016 and November, 30, 2016

3:10 P.M. New Business

  1. Discussion: US16/17-12: New Program Proposal: M.A. in Language Teaching Studies; Sara Hodges, Associate Dean of Grad School,  Scott L. Pratt, Dean of Graduate School and Lara Bovilsky (English), Chair of Graduate Council
  2. Discussion: US16/17-13: Amendment to the Credit-Bearing General Limitations to the Bachelor’s Requirements policy proposal; Frances White (Anthropology), Co-Chair of the Academic Council
  3. Discussion: Change the Policy on Policies to state that the UO President has the authority to enact temporary policies on other than an emergency basis?
  4. Discussion: US16/17-11: Clarify and Codify the University Committee on Sexual Orientation, Attraction, Gender Identity, and Expression
  5. Discussion: Repeal committee service term limits?
  6. US14/15-66: Hiring of Academic Executive Administrators; Senate Executive Committee (Please review Current Policy)
  7. US14/15-67: Review of Academic Executive Administrators; Senate Executive Committee (Please review Current Policy)

4:20 P.M. Reports

  1. Presidential Response to US16/17-07: Student Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Complaint and Response policy; General Counsel, Kevin Reed
  2. Report: Bias Response Team task force ; Chris Chavez(Journalism), Chair of BERT Task Force
  3. Report: Roger Thompson on admissions (Enrollment Management et al.)

4:58 P.M. Notice(s) of Motion

4:59 P.M. Other Business

5:00 P.M. Adjourn