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Group News

October 18, 2021

Congrats to Emma whose paper was just published in Langmuir! See it here!

October 4, 2021

Congrats to Rebecca, Evan, Konnor, and Virginia, whose paper was just published in Langmuir! Check it out here!

September 27, 2021

Welcome to the lab, undergraduate Riley Cowen who will be working with Konnor this year!

August 17, 2021

Congrats to Marc and Andrew, whose paper was just published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B! Go read it here!

And a second congrats to Marc who is going to continue his graduate studies at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute! Excited to see what you do, Marc!

July 14, 2021

Congrats to Andrew, Marc, and Konnor, whose paper was just published in Langmuir! Read it here!

June 28, 2021

Welcome to Lilly Kelly and Gabrielle Cano who are our visiting REU students for the summer! Lilly is from the University of Puget Sound and is working with Ashley, while Gabby is from Southwestern University and is working with Emma!

June 12, 2021

A huge congratulations to Megan, who graduated with her undergraduate degree in chemistry! Excited to see where you go next, Megan! Congrats class of 2021!

June 11, 2021

Congrats to Rebecca, whose paper was just published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B! Go read it here!

June 2, 2021

Introducing the newly official Dr. Altman! Rebecca passed her thesis defense with flying colors! The lab celebrated with sushi and Rebecca received the traditional pie in the face!


May 27, 2021

Good luck to Rebecca as she defends her PhD thesis! You’re going to do amazing!!


(click image for a larger view)

April 28, 2021

A HUGE congratulations to our fearless PI, Geri Richmond, for being nominated to serve in the Biden Administration as a Undersecretary of Science in the Department of Energy! Read the White House announcement here and the UO blurb here!

April 24, 2021

Congratulations to Emma and Ashley, whose paper was recently published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science! Go check it out here!

April 7 and April 12, 2021

Congratulations to Marc and Emma who presented their work through talks at the virtual ACS conference this year! Read Marc’s abstract here and Emma’s abstract here!

March 23, 2021

Congratulations to Ashley who received an Honorable Mention for her NSF-GRFP application!

March 19, 2021

Congratulations to Andrew, Evan, and Ashley, whose paper was recently published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B! Go check it out at this link!

March 16, 2021

Wow! It has really been a minute since we’ve updated this news feed and a lot has happened in the lab! The website will now be updated more regularly from now on. Here are just a few highlights that have been missed in this news feed:

  • Andrew Carpenter and Bri Gordon both successfully defended their thesis’ and graduated!
  • We hosted two REU students in the summer of 2020 (see the former members page for more)
  • Ashley Mapile joined the lab as a graduate student and recently passed her advancement exam.
  • Kayd Meldrum rotated in the lab in Fall Term and Liza Briody-Pavlik is rotating in the lab Winter Term.
  • Megan Sciascia joined us as an undergraduate researcher.

Watch this space for more updates! Here are some photos from our most recent Zoom Group Meetings!


Bri Gordon’s Upcoming PhD Defense! 










  • Congratulations Geri, the 2018 Priestley Medalist!!! Click here to learn more!


    • Congratulations to our newest PhD candidate, Rebecca Altman, on passing her candidacy exam!

    • Happy Holidays, from the Richmond Lab!

    • Sorry for the delay on our annual Halloween Picture! This past halloween we were quite “punny”. See if you can guess us all!

Previously, in the Richmond Lab…

  • Congratulations to Laura McWilliams for the successful defense of her PhD Thesis! And for surviving the traditional group pie-ing!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Ellen Robertson for her appointment as a faculty member at Kalamazoo College!
  • Holiday greetings from the Richmond group and our holiday gift wrapping party for our adopted family from Womenspace in Eugene.IMG_3193
  • Happy Halloween from the Richmond Group! We’ll leave you to guess the annual theme.



  • Congratulations to Jenn and Clive on their new baby!20150428_104057
  • Big things happening in the Richmond lab! Dr. Jennifer Hensel and soon-to-come baby.


  • Congratulations to Dr. Jet Meitzner for a successful thesis defense! Best of luck at Lam Research this fall!
  • Check out the great things USA Science Envoy Dr. Richmond is doing in Laos this year!
  • Happy trails to Dr. Nicholas Valley and Dr. Sumi Wren, two of our super-star post-docs moving on to bigger things!
  • If you see a familiar face in UO’s science stores, say hello to Dr. Clive Kittredge, who has started work there part time
  • We welcome our newest arrival: REU student Nina Vincent from Scripps College!


The Richmond group: using lasers to illuminate the world.

The Richmond Lab is looking stylish in our new shirts!

This summer’s hottest fashion trend was designed by our very own Dr. Sumi Wren


Goodbye Sushi for our beloved Dr. Sumi Wren!!

Clockwise around the table: Bri Gordon, Dr. Geri Richmond, Dr. Clive Kittredge, Dr. Jenny Hensel, Priscilla Lewis, Andrew Carpenter, Dr. Nicholas Valley, Jet Meitzner, Dr. Sumi Wren, and Laura McWilliams.

Happy holidays from the Richmond lab!

Give this picture a click, and if you’re seeing double, it’s not from the eggnog!

From left-to-right: Jet Meitzner, Regina Ciszewski, Andrew Carpenter, Laura McWilliams, Priscilla Lewis, Dr. Sumi Wren, Bri Gordon, Dr. Geri Richmond, Dr. Clive Kittredge, and Dr. Jenny Hensel

Our cartoonishly fun Halloween!

From left-to-right: Brandon “Freakazoid” Schabes, Clive “Bamm-Bamm” Kittredge, Jenny “Pebbles” Hensel, Andrew “Nigel Thornberry” Carpenter, Laura “Daria” McWilliams, Sumi “Sailor Jupiter” Wren, Bri “The Frizz” Gordon, Nick “Bullwinkle” Valley, Jet “The Genie-ous” Meitzner, Priscilla Lewis, Geri “Riding-Hood” Richmond, Regina “Powerpuff” Ciszewski

The Richmond Labbers go to a baseball game and have a dance party

Goodbye sushi lunch for Ellen’s graduation!

From left to right: Andrew Carpenter, Jet Meitzner, Dr. Nick Valley, Dr. Geri Richmond, Dr. Ellen Robertson, Dr. Sumi Wren, Dr. Clive Kittredge, Dr. Jennifer Hensel, Bri Gordon, Priscilla Lewis, Laura McWilliams, Brandon Schabes, Regina Ciszewski