Last week, we stood in front of our NW Stories peers and pitched our idea for our documentary feature on the women of Red Lodge. We emphatically stated our research and discussed the many possible story angles. We were met with an intrigued response as well as worry that, due to the nature of the story being connected to correctional facilities, we would approach many obstacles moving forward.

While it is true that is difficult to get access to prisons, it is not impossible. As of last week we have clearance as a team to attend the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility’s Spring Celebration. Though we are unable to record or photograph the event, we hope to gain insight into the spiritual world of Oregon Native American female prisoners.

Additionally, on Wednesday, our team initiated a Skype call with Rob Finch and Julianne Parker of Blue Chalk Media.


Group member Judy Holtz hosts Blue Chalk Media professionals Julianne Parker (left) and Rob Finch (right) during a class discussion.
Group member Judy Holtz hosts Blue Chalk Media professionals Julianne Parker (left) and Rob Finch (right) during a class discussion.

Their client-based short documentary work caught our attention and we even found a Promise of Oregon video with Torrie Eagle that reflected something of our vision for our own documentary on a recipient of Red Lodge Transitional Services. We had the chance to question Finch and Parker on their approaches to work, their style and their passion projects. Having a chance to talk to Parker as a recent University of Oregon SOJC grad gave us a peak into how to obtain and pursue work possibilities in our own future.

Collectively, we are continuing to move forward headstrong, motivated by our conversations with both Red Lodge and Blue Chalk Media professionals.