Tag Archives: Parables

Matthew and Apocalyptic Tradition

Published on: Author: cmann6@uoregon.edu

The Matthean Gospel was written in a social context where the Jewish community was still under oppression by the Romans and this relatively new emerging following of Jesus was beginning to fade. The followers of Jesus were a marginalized group and caused tension even between various sects of Judaism, most notably the Pharisees. Matthew’s portrayal… Continue reading

Parables: Great Banquet

Published on: Author: nikkum@uoregon.edu

Matthew 22:1-4. Parable of the Wedding Banquet. Explain what you think the following symbols represent: King/Person: I believe that the King represents God and the person represents us has his children. Son/ Servant: The Son represents new believers and followers of Christ and the Servant represents those who are called to bring people to Christ.… Continue reading

The Great Banquet Parable

Published on: Author: cmann6@uoregon.edu

Before digging into the contextual nuances of the three related Gospel stories, we need to first look at the parable as a whole. The Wedding/Great Banquet parable originates form the Q source and is later modified by the Lukan, Matthean, and Gospel of Thomas authors. Each author modifies this particular story according to their particular… Continue reading