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Birth Narrative

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Genealogy is defined by the record or account of ancestor and decent of a person, family, or group. Matthew is genealogy constructed differently from Mark. Though Matthew was not the first of four gospels written, he makes his theme clear within the first couple verses referring to Jesus as “the son of David, the son… Continue reading

Birth Narrative

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Matthew includes the genealogy of Jesus in his birth story for a couple different reasons. The first of these being that Matthew wanted to prove to people that Jesus was born of a noble bloodline. If he could trace every generation before Jesus back to David, back to Abraham, then there would be more credibility… Continue reading

Birth Narrative

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While writing about the birth narrative, it seemed evident that Luke wove together the lives of John the Baptist and Jesus. White describes Luke’s doing this as “a parallel narrative” Luke’s version of the birth narrative is much more dramatic and involves many more elements. The author of Luke has woven together, and the Jewish… Continue reading