Gospel of Matthew and White

Published on: Author: njones8@uoregon.edu

The Gospel of Matthew is said to be written sometime around 70CE, but there is no distinct date. There is controversy even to the present day as to where the location when Gospel was produced. White believes that it probably would have been in Antioch, but again we are not too sure where the Gospel of Matthew’s actual location time of place is. The Gospel of Matthew was written around the time that the Jewish Temple had just been destroyed and many Jewish people were in a state of shell-shock and didn’t /couldn’t believe what had happened to the Temple. So really the only thing we know is what was happening at the time of Mathew being written and the reaction of the people of what was happening


White 312-315 Pharisees and Jesus’ prophets and disciples are described and talked about. White also examines Mathew 23: 1-12. Most of the material (first sections) is Q material said by White, however, there is some Mathew material in there as well (driving framed uniquely). In Mathew, the seven woes are described against the Pharisees. In White he wants to make the point that “the Matthean Jesus is in no way disavowing the teachings of the scribes.” (White 314) White also states, “Do whatever they teach, and follow it.” (White 314) So the Matthean Jesus is framed as a teacher and not a blasphemer.


In Matthew 18:15-25 instructions for church life are instructed. Sin and listening are shown by the author… whoever the author could have been. It is also said sin should be private throughout the church. The author also says that the sinner should not be bothered unless he isn’t listening or decides that he no longer wants to listen. Once the sinner doesn’t listen, and then it is your job to have witnesses to ensure the credibility of the exchange. If that doesn’t work, then you result to basically calling the sinner out in front of the church and throwing them almost under a bus. It is then believed that the sinner should not be talked to and ignored as a punishment. Basically the sinner is shunned by the church… almost like when the Amish are sinned when they go against the rules of the church.