
Why People Hate Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ Ad – Business Insider

In her article, Laura Stampler discusses the implications that come along with the ‘Real Beauty’ Ad.

Stampler begins by showing the diversity – or lack thereof – of the subjects in the experiment. Quoting a blogger who noted, “Of the main participants: all four are Caucasian, three are blonde with blue eyes, all are thin, and all are young (the oldest is 40). … Out of 6:36 minutes of footage, people of color are onscreen for less than 10 seconds.

Stampler then goes on to argue that the ad might be doing more harm than good, by teaching what it is attempting to preach against. Ann Friedman writes, “These ads still uphold the notion that, when it comes to evaluating ourselves and other women, beauty is paramount. The goal shouldn’t be to get women to focus on how we are all gorgeous in our own way. It should be to get women to do for ourselves what we wish the broader culture would do: judge each other based on intelligence and wit and ethical sensibility, not just our faces and bodies.”

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One Excluded Fan Speaks Out

The Dove campaign has been seen as a largely positive one; however, commentary is wonderful for pinpointing aspects that might not be covered, or recognized. One online correspondent, Xian Horn, wanted to speak out to Dove regarding women with disabilities. Ableism is something that can divide human interactions and how humans interact with each other. Horn wants Dove to incorporate women with disabilities into its campaign.

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