In the Moment

By: Remy Balmain

Max Amen is a a sophomore at the University of Oregon. He is a member of the Club Wrestling Team, which is in its first year as an official club on campus.

Max Amen (right) and the UO Wrestling club president, Katie Kelley, run drills on Thursday, October 26th, in Mat Room 47 at the UO Student Recreation Center. The team practices in this room every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

University of Oregon sophomore, Max Amen, takes a break from wrestling during his team’s practice after scraping his knee on the mat during a drill.


Max is tackled by teammate, Katie Kelly (left), during a drill. The two were paired as scrimmage partners for the duration of this practice. Each week, they are assigned new partners.

Max bandages his knee after scraping it during a drill on the mats. He had previously injured his leg, but continued to practice.

Max and Katie continue to scrimmage against each other. The duo was working on a strength drill.