Essay 3, 777breadwinners, Group 7

We have tips on how to promote group productivity for your cardiac units that started training in the MICS system. Firstly, it’s important that the members of the group speak up. Speaking up about anything having to do with questions, observations, or even concerns is vital to the success of the group (Edmondson, 2003).

To remember, use this phrase: “speak up so you can peak up.”

This means that speaking up builds communication skills and helps the group understand what works best for them and what doesn’t, and if you don’t speak up you will be lost and have less confidence than the others that are speaking up. By increasing psychological safety, it eliminates the fear that someone might be punished for what they say (Edmonson & Roloff 2008); this can encourage group members to speak up when they have concerns, which can prevent serious problems from arising.  

Another tip is: “follow the leader to go far, but never without a path.”

It can be useful to have a designated leader who can act as a liaison to other people who may have new strategies that your group would not otherwise think of.  The leader can also lessen the hierarchical gap, which encourages psychological safety to reduce communication failures. Additionally, having a leader can be useful for planning, which is often essential to group success by discussing responsibility (allocated by member’s abilities) and to collaborate with the plan in helping the patient (Woolley 2008).  The planning should also aim to reduce communication failures by ensuring accurate and on time communication; and, ensure that everybody is a key member to be heard and that everybody has a clear purpose (Lingard et al., 2004).

One phrase to remind them: “Bossman CAPO (Content, Audience, Purpose, and Occasion failures) making communication go uh-oh.”  



  1. Hey,
    I really like your phrases! They are catchy and easy to remember which is great! I agree with the topics you covered in your phrases, and I really liked the one about the leader and how following a leader is important, but how you also need a collaborative plan as well to have an effective team. I also really like how all three of your phrases are somewhat related to speaking up and being heard, but they also involve different concepts. Good job!

  2. Hi group 7. I thought your phrases were definitely cute and catchy. I wish that the “never without a path” had been clarified more. Currently, I’m just confused as to how it relates with the importance of having a leader and also how it relates to our readings. I am also wondering if the last part of your essay got clipped or if you guys just couldn’t find space to integrate the last phrase into your structure and give it more meaning and connection to the piece. Contrarily, I think the first phrase was decently cited, integrated, and explained in connection to the hospital setting and to the readings. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  3. Love your last tip! I find it very interesting how you mentioned that having a designated leader can act as a mediator between team members and lessen hierarchical boundaries, thus increasing psychological safety. I definitely agree that having a good leader can encourage participating by leading by example. A leader should be the biggest advocate of encouraging effective workplace communications and recognizing the value of an engaged workforce.

  4. I especially love your first tip. I like that you brought in psychological safety from a previous week and that speaking up can lead to increased confidence. I also like the explanation of your second tip mentions that leaders can mitigate hierarchical disparities which in turn contributes to better communication and psychological safety.

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