Essay 1, Working on name, Group 5

Coach Preczewski should switch the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams completely. When explaining his reasoning behind this, he should make sure to inform both teams separately. This will allow him to focus on specific factors that each team needs to work on. When speaking to the varsity team, coach Preczewski should emphasize that the team needs to focus on building more team chemistry instead of playing the blame game to one another. When comparing the different group development each team is in, the current varsity team is in stage 2 (Wheelan 249) due to their constant arguing whereas the JV team is in between stages 3 and 4 (Wheelan 250) because they are able to settle their arguments and have a common goal of what to work and improve on. The option of switching both teams around would be beneficial to not only the varsity team, but the JV as well. For JV, they work together well as a group already, so bumping them up to varsity competition would only help further their development from stage 3 (organizing specific roles) into stage 4 (intense productivity and effectiveness). For the Varsity team, the demotion would help them create a common goal and have a time of self-realization. Similar to the USA hockey team the decision to demote the team as a whole could humble each player and possibly make them go through the “punctuated equilibrium model” (Arrow and Henry 10). This in turn will help create more efficiency and success throughout the group.



  1. Hey group 5!
    I thought it was interesting when you explained how the coach should break the news to each team separately. I think that is the best way for the coach to guide each group towards synergy by regulating the energy flow. This action alone could probably guide the varsity players through the equilibrium model. Good points!

  2. Hi! I thought your group had an interesting point of view. I thought it was interesting that you talked about the possibility of the varsity team to unite toward a common goal and have a moment of realization if demoted to the JV team. However, I think there might be a possibility that if the varsity team were to remain in stage 2 after the change, they might continue to blame each other for the demotion and not make progress. However, if they were to move into stage three, this change would be a perfect solution to get them back on track. Overall great insight!

  3. There are some really greats points in this essay! I too believe that switching the two teams would be the most beneficial option for everyone involved. I am curious however why you believe that the junior varsity team is currently between Wheelan’s stages 3 and 4 and not already fully arrived at stage 4. It seems to me that because the JV team is already consistently working well together to beat the varsity boat and able to “focus energy on goal achievement,” as stated in stage 4, they are there even before the switch takes place.

  4. I thought that the manner in which the coach broke the news to each individual team was great because the coach would be breaking the news but also explain the decision by emphasizing the specific factors that each team needs to work on.

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