Become a ShakeAlert® Technical Partner

The U.S. Geological Service is actively seeking technical partners for ShakeAlert®, the federal government’s earthquake early warning system for the West Coast. Technical partners are licensed to use USGS-issued ShakeAlert Messages for applications such as alerting people to take a protective action and/or triggering an automated action. The USGS encourages the development of both commercial and non-commercial earthquake early warning products and services. Commercial products and services can be sold to other clients, whereas non-commercial products and services are used exclusively in-house. Technical partners have included hospitals, utilities, transit agencies, tech companies, and start-up entrepreneurs. Licensing and access to ShakeAlert messages are provided free of charge by the USGS.

Learning More and Next Steps

If your organization is interested in exploring a technical partnership, please contact Oregon’s ShakeAlert® Coordinator Kelly Missett to discuss your project. Kelly will walk you step-by-step through the licensing process and connect you with USGS licensing staff. Kelly can be reached at 541-346-4654 or at