JITP welcomes work that explores critical and creative uses of interactive technology in teaching, learning, and research. For Issue 7, we seek submissions under the theme of mentorship and collaboration, broadly considered. Submissions can consider collaborations and mentorship experiences at any level of education, including K-12, college, graduate school, continuing education, and peer-to-peer faculty experience. We are interested in the process as well as the products of collaborative efforts and encourage personal reflections as well as results-oriented research.
We invite multimedia elements in submissions along with interdisciplinary and creative approaches in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. This can include audio or visual presentations and interviews, dialogues, or conversations; creative/artistic works; manifestos; or other scholarly materials. All submissions are subject to an open review process. Manuscripts should be under 5,000 words. Submissions received that do not fall under the specific theme of Issue 7 but do fall under JITP’s broader themes will be considered for publication in a future issue.
Important Dates
The submission deadline for the Spring 2015 issue is October 15, 2014. When submitting using our Open Journal Systems software, under “Journal Section,” please select the section titled “Issue 7: Special Issue.” See further details and full instructions for submissions here