ACLS- Digital Extension Grants up to $150,000

Made possible by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, ACLS Digital Extension Grants will “support teams of scholars as they enhance existing digital projects with the goal of engaging new audiences across a range of academic communities and institutions. ACLS has designed the Digital Extension Grant program so that it provides flexible support at the level of the digital research project as opposed to the individual scholar.”

Digital Extension Grants may:

  • Extend existing digital projects and resources with content that adds diversity or interdisciplinary reach
  • Develop new systems of making existing digital resources available to broader audiences and/or scholars from diverse institutions
  • Foster new team-based work or collaborations that allow scholars from institutions with limited cyberinfrastructure to exploit digital resources
  • Create new forms and sites for scholarly engagement with the digital humanities and new ways to document and recognize participant engagement.

ACLS will be awarding up to six Digital Extension Grants this competition year. Each grant provides up to $150,000 in funding, supporting a range of project costs, for terms of 12-18 months.

The funds may be used to cover salary replacement, staffing, equipment, and other costs


  1. Projects must be hosted by an institution of higher education in the United States
  2. Project’s principal investigator must be a scholar in a field of the humanities and the humanistic social sciences
  3. Project’s principal investigator must have a PhD degree conferred prior to the application deadline. (An established scholar who can demonstrate the equivalent of the PhD in publications and professional experience may also qualify.)

Proposals must be submitted through ACLS’s online application system, which will begin accepting applications October 15. For more information about the program, see this website.

Application deadline for the Digital Extension Grant is February 2, 2016, to be submitted here. Notifications will be sent to applicants mid-May, 2016.

Application Requirements:

  1. aclsApplication form completed online by the designated team leader for the project
  2. 10 page proposal explaining the project development plan in relation to the objectives of the Digital Extension Grant Program
  3. Project timeline
  4. A budget plan (no more than 2 pages) providing a detailed account of the proposed use of grant funds
  5. Statement concerning the intellectual property rights relating to software and content developed with grant funds.
  6. A list of names and institutional affiliations of members of the project team and a description of each person’s role in the project. (Include 2-page CVs for principal project participants)
  7. Two reference letters
  8. An institutional statement from a senior official of the project leader’s home institution or the institution hosting the project.

For more detailed information about project requirements, go to their website.

Any questions about this program may be directed here.

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