Fall 2022 Comic Book Showcase

Below you will find the 2022 ‘My Visual Story’ comic book projects!  The below links are to each individual student’s showcase page that includes a short introduction write up about their project, a more in-depth YouTube video showcasing the author/artist, and digital versions of the comic books.

And for more information about what this comic book project was about please see the guidelines here: My Visual Story Comic Project Guidelines 2022 (PDF File)



Click on the names to see each individual’s comic book portfolio page (the links will open in a new tab or window)

Abimbola (Abby) Adebawo

Samraggi Chakrabarti

Emily Cordero

James Corrick

Kylan Curran

Adrien Howe

Milo Kemp

Nicole Macdonald

Eryn Mcaninch

Ani (Frog) Stevens

Levi Stevens

Shane Toyama

first-year class and Robert and Mazzy in classroom

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