Hi everyone, I am your FIG instructor, Robert Voelker-Morris (rmorris1@uoregon.edu ). I have been an instructor at the University of Oregon since 2003. When I was much younger, one of my goals was to collect 10,000 comic books. A goal that has taken over thirty years to meet. A love of visual story-telling made its way into my research and scholarship such as publication on the gender roles and stereotypes of male superheroes and the effects they have on our culture in the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (opens in new tab).
Many of my teaching interests are focused on first-year experiences that have included co-teaching freshman seminars at the UO. Courses have included Creative Collaborations and Art Meets Science: Making the Invisible Visible – see our Art Meets Science: Making the Invisible Visible course site here (opens in new tab). An additional course I taught in the past for over a decade focused on intersections of Arts and Visual Literacy. This course was a perfect blending of my research and interests, such as my undergraduate degree in Art History (from Oregon State, yep!), photography, graphic design, cinematic technique and theory, and popular culture studies.
I received my Masters degree in Museum Studies, and currently work as Associate Director for UO Online. I have been also over the years an affiliated faculty member in the UO’s Comics and Cartoon Studies, https://comics.uoregon.edu/ (opens in new tab).
Hi! My name is Mazzy Zimmerman and I’m a psychology student in the class of 2025, and this will be my second year being an FA for My Visual Story. Originally I’m from Austin, TX. I am part of the Comics Minor here at UofO and spend a lot of my free time drawing and making comics. I am also a great resource if you’re looking for fun drives/destinations or any house shows around Eugene.
I’m pumped to see you all in class this year, and can’t wait to hear about the topics you choose for your comics. When I took this FIG I really enjoyed sharing and learning about the different styles of my peers during studio time. My email is mazzyz@uoregon.edu and I would be thrilled to hear from y’all about your interests, why you chose My Visual Story, and to see how much we have in common, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!
FIG Assistant Emeriti!
Giovanna Morfin Vazquez (FIG Assistant 2019-2021)