Week Seven: Comic Design Sprint and Working Towards Completion

film still of Furiosa in Mad Max Fury Road Hi,

I am writing this while listening to Junkie XL’s Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack, so yes I am not only nerdy for buying movie scores but I do listen to them!  ‘What a lovely day!’

As we discussed this Monday (November 9th), and as we have discussed all term, this is the time of the term where it will be really important to be focused on finalizing your comic book designs.  We are in the latter half of the term and it will continue to go by quickly so let’s get those comic books moving forward.artist inking comic book

Again use the checklist (Journal 4) to focus on where you are at with your work and what deadlines are coming up.  Here are links to that Journal 4 checklist:

PDF File: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/myvisualstory/files/2020/11/My-Visual-Story-Creative-Journal-Four-Fall-2020.pdf

MS Word File: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/myvisualstory/files/2020/11/My-Visual-Story-Creative-Journal-Four-Fall-2020.docx

The “due” date of December 4th for your digital copies, paragraph introduction/abstract, and video introduction is right around the corner.  As we discussed with our going remote after the Thanksgiving break we will doing our showstudent working on stapling comiccase on this site, so keeping focused on your projects will be very important these next three weeks.

And this is not just an ‘academic exercise’ in meeting deadlines, we want to be sure everyone does not leave it to the last moment and then stress out about all the work needed to be done without any time to do it.  Again there is so much going on at the end of the term with your other classes, the last thing we want to happen is for a comic book project to be a stressful experience.  Creating a comic book should be fun and in many ways an artistic and creative escape from your other studies!

Lastly, remember to start thinking about ways in which this FIG, especially the two lecture classes, has informed your comic book design.  What have you learned in the classes that informs your drawing designs and your visual narratives?  Hint: “I don’t know, nothing really” is not an answer! 🙂


Robert and Giovanna

Screenshot of comic book project checklist

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