Welcome and Introduction: 2020 My Visual Story

pile of zine comicsWelcome to the 2020 UO’s First-Year College Connections course, My Visual Story: Comics and Personal Storytelling.

In this course we will be exploring the ways in which artists and authors tell our personal and social narratives. And we will step into the artists’ shoes to create our own artistic social and personal stories in comic book form.

This is an unusual fall term and academic year for sure.  We know there will be challenges as we all navigate the COVID-19 landscape of health concerns and distancing needs.  Our goal is to make this experience as stress free and safe as possible, but also offer you a rigorous and intellectually robust introduction to your college career.

I am excited about the ways in which we will be exploring how our College Connections course connects ENG 280: Introduction to Comic Studies and ART 101 Understanding Contemporary Art, and how these courses will also help introduce you to the rich academic offerings the UO has to offer.

We will be meeting Mondays, 2:15pm-3:45pm (check your DuckWeb account for the most up to date room location). If you are not on campus this fall term please let us know and we can be sure to set up a Zoom connection for you to join us during our class time.

And we do have a Canvas site open for this course, but note that most of your information will be posted here on this blog.  This is so we can build on the information from previous years to make this a more robust educational experience that connects you what other cohorts have done just like you!

See these sections of this site:

Please check back to this site for more updates as the terms progresses!


Robert and Giovanna!


And below is the recording of our initial pre-term welcome meeting that Giovanna hosted on September 18th:

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This entry was posted on September 19, 2020. Bookmark the permalink.