Week Eight: This is the Week! Comics Due!

stack of zine comicsHi everyone, this is the week and comics are due on Friday (11/18).  Here are the ways in which you can submit your work:

  1. If digital:  Send your digital files to Robert and Mazzy via email by the end of the day Friday (11:59pm).  Please either order your comics correctly if you send one file, or if you are submitting one page at a time put in the file name the page number (ex. voelkermorris_comic_pg01.jpg).
  2. If physical copy:  Arrange with Robert a drop off time at his office.  The best way to contact Robert is by his email.  Remember that the office area closes each day at 5:00pm.
  3. If physical copy:  Drop off to Mazzy at the EMU Fishbowl on Friday the 18th between 1:00-2:30pm

Other announcements:

    1. Upcoming Social/Academics (locations are in Canvas course Announcements):
      1. Thursday, 11/17, 12:30-1:30pm
      2. Sunday, 11/20, 2:00-3:00pm
      3. Monday, 11/21, 5:30-6:30
      4. Thursday (Thanksgiving), 11/24, 12:00-?
      5. Friday, 12/2, 3:30-5:00
    2. Copies of handouts from Tuesday’s class:
      photo of Juan de Dios Mora

      Juan de Dios Mora

      1. Name Your Achievement My Visual Story Fall 2022 (PDF logo PDF File)
      2. Abstract/Introduction and YouTube Showcase Guidelines (PDF logo PDF File)
        More about writing academic abstracts (note you are not writing a full research abstract since that is not what we did with this project but use these as your basic model, and use these for possible future academic assignments):  Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper (University of Wisconsin Writing Center) and Writing Report Abstracts (Purdue Online Writing Lab)
    3. We plan to send Achievement status to everyone the end of this week, look for that in your email.
    4. Meet the Artist: Juan de Dios Mora, Wednesday, November 16th, 5:30 p.m.
      Location: UO Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
      Juan de Dios Mora will give a short lecture, discuss his works in the JSMA’s collection in an art viewing, and provide commentary about his prints in the exhibition Many Wests: Artists Shape an American Idea.
    5. As promised to those of you we talked to about Art Ducko!
      Their websites: https://artduckomagazine.wordpress.com/ and https://uocomics.wixsite.com/artducko
      Their email:  uocomics@gmail.com 
      Their last posting about meet ups:
      Art Ducko Mag
      @Art_Ducko · Sep 30
      The first art ducko weekly meeting is today from 5-6pm. Until further notice we are meeting at the EMU amphitheater. Come hang out and get to know us!Art Ducko flying duck logo

Two more weeks!  Remember to invite your friends to the showcase on November 29th!

Robert and Mazzy

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