Hi everyone, this is the week and comics are due on Friday (11/18). Here are the ways in which you can submit your work:
- If digital: Send your digital files to Robert and Mazzy via email by the end of the day Friday (11:59pm). Please either order your comics correctly if you send one file, or if you are submitting one page at a time put in the file name the page number (ex. voelkermorris_comic_pg01.jpg).
- If physical copy: Arrange with Robert a drop off time at his office. The best way to contact Robert is by his email. Remember that the office area closes each day at 5:00pm.
- If physical copy: Drop off to Mazzy at the EMU Fishbowl on Friday the 18th between 1:00-2:30pm
Other announcements:
- Upcoming Social/Academics (locations are in Canvas course Announcements):
- Thursday, 11/17, 12:30-1:30pm
- Sunday, 11/20, 2:00-3:00pm
- Monday, 11/21, 5:30-6:30
- Thursday (Thanksgiving), 11/24, 12:00-?
- Friday, 12/2, 3:30-5:00
- Copies of handouts from Tuesday’s class:
- Name Your Achievement My Visual Story Fall 2022 ( PDF File)
- Abstract/Introduction and YouTube Showcase Guidelines ( PDF File)
More about writing academic abstracts (note you are not writing a full research abstract since that is not what we did with this project but use these as your basic model, and use these for possible future academic assignments): Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper (University of Wisconsin Writing Center) and Writing Report Abstracts (Purdue Online Writing Lab)
- We plan to send Achievement status to everyone the end of this week, look for that in your email.
- Meet the Artist: Juan de Dios Mora, Wednesday, November 16th, 5:30 p.m.
Location: UO Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
Juan de Dios Mora will give a short lecture, discuss his works in the JSMA’s collection in an art viewing, and provide commentary about his prints in the exhibition Many Wests: Artists Shape an American Idea. - As promised to those of you we talked to about Art Ducko!
Their websites: https://artduckomagazine.wordpress.com/ and https://uocomics.wixsite.com/artducko
Their email: uocomics@gmail.com
Their last posting about meet ups:
Art Ducko Mag
@Art_Ducko · Sep 30
The first art ducko weekly meeting is today from 5-6pm. Until further notice we are meeting at the EMU amphitheater. Come hang out and get to know us!
- Upcoming Social/Academics (locations are in Canvas course Announcements):
Two more weeks! Remember to invite your friends to the showcase on November 29th!
Robert and Mazzy