Okay, about one week left before your comic books are due!
Thank you everyone for meeting with me (Robert) to go over your comic book designs. I realize some of these meetings were very short, even so it was really important for my thinking through the scanning and printing of your work and to talk about the formatting with you (the artist!).
Important updates:
- Keep working on your comics! Reminder that they will be due Friday, November 22nd (Week 8). If you are done with your comic early, please turn it in early so we can start printing out the showcase copies.
- Friday 11/22 is our pizza social 12:00pm to 1:30pm! 🍕🍕🍕
- And also keep watching for more out of class events, remember these are opportunities to have fun with your My Visual Story colleagues and Mazzy before the term ends!
- Next class (Nov. 19th) we will focus on a reflection activity that will be considered for the “Reflection Master” sub-achievement, please have with you the Student Inventory you filled out during our first class meeting. We will also have studio time for you to finalize your comic books.
Questions? Please contact us!
Robert and Mazzy