Archive | November 2024

Week Nine: Holiday Break and Next Week’s Showcase


setting sun light on driftwood and beach and ocean with houses in background on hill
Thanksgiving at the coast 2023

We wish everyone a wonderful holiday break this week!

Some quick reminders!

1) Showcase is next Tuesday. Be ready to receive your printed out comics to assemble (fold, cut, staple, and so on) during the showcase so you can give everyone in the class a copy. We will have visitors between 4:15 and 5:20 so also be ready to talk about your comic books.

2) Name Your Achievement is due by the end of the day next Friday, December 6th. This is not required but if you want to earn an extra Achievement we need your proposals this week.

3) Abstract/Introduction and YouTube Showcase are both due December 11th by 5:00pm (Wednesday of Finals Week).

As always please let Robert or Mazzy know if you have any questions.


Robert and Mazzy

This entry was posted on November 26, 2024.

Week Eight: Due Date and Pizza!

Keep working on the final touches to your comics and get those turned in Friday.  Here again are the ways you can turn in your comics (if you have not already!):

  1. If digital:  Send your digital files to Robert via email by the end of the day Friday (11:59pm).  Please either order your comics correctly if you send one file, or if you are submitting one page at a time put in the file name the page number (ex. voelkermorris_comic_pg01.jpg).
  2. If physical copy:  Arrange with Robert a drop off time at his office.  The best way to contact Robert is by his email.  Remember that the office area closes each day at 5:00pm.
  3. If physical copy:  Drop off to Robert and Mazzy at the pizza social Friday after your ENG 280 discussion class.

That’s all we got for this week!  Hope to see everyone at our pizza social!  Free food!

Robert and Mazzy

This entry was posted on November 22, 2024.

Week Seven: Comic Book Crunch Time!

people standing reading comics with students sitting behind at tablesOkay, about one week left before your comic books are due!

Thank you everyone for meeting with me (Robert) to go over your comic book designs.  I realize some of these meetings were very short, even so it was really important for my thinking through the scanning and printing of your work and to talk about the formatting with you (the artist!).

Important updates:

  1. Keep working on your comics!  Reminder that they will be due Friday, November 22nd (Week 8). If you are done with your comic early, please turn it in early so we can start printing out the showcase copies.
  2. Friday 11/22 is our pizza social 12:00pm to 1:30pm! 🍕🍕🍕
  3. And also keep watching for more out of class events, remember these are opportunities to have fun with your My Visual Story colleagues and Mazzy before the term ends!
  4. Next class (Nov. 19th) we will focus on a reflection activity that will be considered for the “Reflection Master” sub-achievement, please have with you the Student Inventory you filled out during our first class meeting.  We will also have studio time for you to finalize your comic books.

Questions?  Please contact us!

Robert and Mazzy


This entry was posted on November 15, 2024.

Week Six: Final Weeks to Work on Comics!

Hi everyone!

Hope all is well as we finish out our sixth week of the term.  Know there is a lot going on across the country and on campus this week, so please focus on taking care of yourselves.

Important updates as we move into our final weeks of the term:

  1. Remember if you have not already to attend your 1:1 with Robert.  These meetings are required and very important check ins where we will discuss printing your comics and your progress towards passing this class.
  2. Keep working on your comics!  Reminder that they will be due Friday, November 22nd (Week 8).
  3. And also keep watching for more out of class events, remember these are opportunities to have fun with your My Visual Story colleagues and Mazzy!
  4. Next class (Nov. 12th) Mazzy will be going over your Two-Year Plans.  Remember going through this activity is a required Achievement.  We will also have studio time to work on the comics.
  5. Nov. 19th’s class session will focus on a reflection activity that will be considered for the “Reflection Master” sub-achievement.  We will also have studio time for you to finalize your comic books.

As always let us know if you questions!

Robert and Mazzy


This entry was posted on November 8, 2024.