SVPE & Women’s Center Red Zone Event: October 15th

From Sexual Violence Prevention and Education (SVPE) and the Women’s Center:

To kick off the school year, the Women’s Center and Sexual Violence Prevention Education (SVPE) would like to invite all students to join us at our Red Zone event on October 15th at 5:45pm in GSH room 130. The Red Zone signifies the time between September and November in which 50% of sexual assaults occur on campus. To ensure that our student body is well informed about the significance of the Red Zone and feels empowered to live comfortably on campus, we will be giving out goodie bags at our event that include a variety of self-care items, resources, and other fun trinkets.

Thank you so much for joining us on our mission to make our campus a safer place!

Women’s Center and Sexual Violence Prevention Education (SVPE) Red Zone event flyer

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