Week Eight: Comics Week!

Hi everyone,

This is the week!  Comics are due!  Printing has started on the comics turned in early, invites have been sent for the Week 10 showcase, and the class is in its final stages of completion!

One more reminder and comics are due this Friday (11/17).  Here are the ways in which you can submit your work:

  1. If digital:  Send your digital files to Robert via email by the end of the day Friday (11:59pm).  Please either order your comics correctly if you send one file, or if you are submitting one page at a time put in the file name the page number (ex. voelkermorris_comic_pg01.jpg).
  2. If physical copy:  Arrange with Robert a drop off time at his office.  The best way to contact Robert is by his email.  Remember that the office area closes each day at 5:00pm.
  3. If physical copy:  Drop off to Robert and Mazzy at the pizza social Friday after your ENG 280 discussion class.


1) Need tutoring help for finals?  Contact the UO Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center for help! [Link opens in new tab or window]

2) Pizza Friday after ENG 280 discussion class!

3) Reminder that Mazzy is planning one more ‘Social’ and one more ‘Academic’ event, if you are missing any out of class requirements please attend!  If you have completed this ‘Achievement’ requirement please attend!  Talk to Mazzy if you have questions about this class requirement.


Robert and Mazzy

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