Below is a gallery of photos from the 2023 showcase. You can click on a photograph thumbnail for a larger version and to start slideshow mode.
Archive | November 2023
Week Ten: Congratulations on a Great Showcase!
Hi everyone!
That was a wonderful showcase! Hope you had fun and are enjoying each other’s comic books. Lots of positive feedback from our guests. Thank you all for making it a rewarding and fun event!
Information left for completing the class:
1) Name Your Achievement is due by the end of the day tomorrow (Friday), December 1st. This is not required but if you want to earn an extra Achievement we need your proposals this week.
2) Abstract/Introduction and YouTube Showcase are both due December 6th by 5:00pm (Wednesday of Finals Week).
3) One last ‘Social’ and one last ‘Academic’ coming up, please check your email and Canvas site for details. If you are short on your required ‘Social’ Achievement these are essential to take part in.
4) A few of you have make up work to complete, please get this work in to make sure you pass the class. If you have questions about what you are still missing to pass the class please contact Robert ASAP.
That’s all for now, will try and post some photos from the showcase very soon.
Robert and Mazzy
Week Nine: Holiday Break and Next Week’s Showcase
![green and orange jellos in glass dishes](
Thanksgiving 2022
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break!
Some quick reminders!
1) Showcase is next Tuesday. Be ready to put your printed out comics together to give everyone in the class a copy. We will have visitors between 2:15 and 3:20 so also be ready to talk about your comic books.
2) Name Your Achievement is due by the end of the day next Friday, December 1st. This is not required but if you want to earn an extra Achievement we need your proposals this week.
3) Abstract/Introduction and YouTube Showcase are both due December 6th by 5:00pm (Wednesday of Finals Week).
As always please let Robert or Mazzy know if you have any questions.
Robert and Mazzy
Week Eight: Comics Week!
Hi everyone,
This is the week! Comics are due! Printing has started on the comics turned in early, invites have been sent for the Week 10 showcase, and the class is in its final stages of completion!
One more reminder and comics are due this Friday (11/17). Here are the ways in which you can submit your work:
- If digital: Send your digital files to Robert via email by the end of the day Friday (11:59pm). Please either order your comics correctly if you send one file, or if you are submitting one page at a time put in the file name the page number (ex. voelkermorris_comic_pg01.jpg).
- If physical copy: Arrange with Robert a drop off time at his office. The best way to contact Robert is by his email. Remember that the office area closes each day at 5:00pm.
- If physical copy: Drop off to Robert and Mazzy at the pizza social Friday after your ENG 280 discussion class.
1) Need tutoring help for finals? Contact the UO Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center for help! [Link opens in new tab or window]
2) Pizza Friday after ENG 280 discussion class!
3) Reminder that Mazzy is planning one more ‘Social’ and one more ‘Academic’ event, if you are missing any out of class requirements please attend! If you have completed this ‘Achievement’ requirement please attend! Talk to Mazzy if you have questions about this class requirement.
Robert and Mazzy
Week Seven: Final Stages!
Hi everyone!
Can you believe the term is about a month away from being done?!
Yes that means we really want to highlight that you should be wrapping up or done with the drafting out of your comic designs and starting to work on your final stages of inking, coloring, and lettering. Comics are due in a week.
Again if you are done with your comic early, please turn it in early so we can start working on printing out the showcase copies.
For the next week:
1) Class Tuesday 11/14 IMPORTANT: Bring your Student Inventories to be able to complete the reflection Journal.
2) Class Tuesday 11/14 will be the last in class studio time before the comic is due.
3) Tuesday 11/14 Mazzy will be holding an ‘Academic’ event 3:30 to 6:00pm (details are in the Canvas Announcement). It will be an open studio/work time for people to either work on their comics for our class or any other work you may need to finish. This will be our second to last academic event so if you’re able to attend please do so in the event that our final event has any scheduling conflicts.
4) Friday 11/17 is our pizza social 11:00am to 1:00pm! 🍕🍕🍕
5) Friday 11/17 is when comics are due! If you are turning in a physical copy, bring it to the pizza social or turn it in to Robert at his office before 5:00pm. If you are submitting it in electronic format please have it emailed to Robert before midnight (remember to add the page numbers to the file name if you are submitting it as individual pages).
6) If you missed this week’s class and the Two-Year plan activity and presentation you need to make sure to send to Mazzy your registration holds and work with her to make up this required Achievement.
Lots of class business info above, questions? Email us!
Robert and Mazzy