Week Nine: Holiday Break and Showcase Next Week!

sunset light through clouds over ocean

2020 Thanksgiving sunset at the Oregon Coast


Okay, all the comics have been printed out and are looking great!  Remember that for our showcase Monday you all will need to be ready to staple, cut, and do other formatting to get those books ready to hand out to the class.

Again also be ready for some campus guests to drop in, I have already received a couple of RSVPs.  And again remember we will be in Global Scholars Hall 132 for the showcase.

And other items of business as we wind down the term:

  1. “Name Your Achievement” proposals are due next Friday, December 3 (by the end of the day).
  2. Abstract/Introduction and YouTube Showcase Guidelines available here: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/myvisualstory/files/2021/11/My-Visual-Story-Fall-2021-Abstract-and-YouTube-Showcase-Guidelines.pdf, and these are due Wednesday, December 8th by 3:00pm.

Hope in whatever you are doing over the short November holiday break that you are able to rest and enjoy some time off.

See you next week!


Robert and Giovanna

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