Week Eight: Almost There!

students looking at museum exhibit on comicsOkay we about there for the comic book projects!  The ones being worked on in class and turned in so far are amazing!  Looking forward to everyone’s final versions!

Remember that your comic projects are due the end of this week (Friday the 19th, Week 8).  If you are providing an electronic version of your comic book (PDF is our preference, but ask about other formats) then it is due before midnight Friday, November 19th.  If you are going to turn in a physical copy for us to make photocopies of we need that copy before noon Friday, November 19th, the last moment to get them to us will be when Giovanna is at the EMU Fishbowl from 11:00am to noon.

Next Monday (Nov. 22nd) be ready to discuss together what you have learned this term about comics and art, and we will provide instructions about the posting of your comic books, a video introduction, and written intro/abstract about your comic book work on the website.

And see below for upcoming social and academic events that Giovanna is coordinating or calling your attention to.

Been a pretty low-key class we know, and hope everyone was able to kick back with our classes and enjoy the time to work on your comic book projects.  It has been a good term working with everyone, and we are very much looking forward to finishing strong these next couple of weeks.


Robert and Giovanna

Upcoming Socials and Academics

  1. Crafting event and studio time on Thursday, 7:30 PM-9:00 PM (contact Giovanna about location details). This event counts as both an academic and social event. You can bring your own craft supplies (some will be provided as well) and turn in your finished comic book project at this event as well.
  2. Multiple online video game social events will be held until the end of the term. If you have not attended any social events, message Giovanna ASAP with your availability so we can set up an online event for people to attend.
  3. JSMA Comics Journalism symposium this Friday and Saturday. Attending one time slot counts as attendance for one academic event. Attend two time slots if you have not attended any academic events. You do not have to attend for the entire day. Please take a picture of yourself at the event or something at the event to prove that you attended. Times are listed below:

Friday, November 19 
12-12:30pm: Opening Remarks, JSMA Ford Hall
1-2:30pm: Artist Roundtable (Alba, Archer, Mirk, Passmore), JSMA Ford Hall
3-4:30pm: Artist Talks in the Gallery (Chahwan, Cossio, Sacco, Warner), JSMA Barker Gallery
5:30-7pm: An Evening with Joe Sacco, PLC 180

Saturday, November 20
12-1:30pm: Graduate Panel—Describing Comics Journalism, JSMA Ford Hall
2-3:30pm: Artist Roundtable (Chahwan, Cossio, Sacco, Warner), JSMA Ford Hall
4-5:30pm: Artist Talks in the Gallery (Alba, Archer, Mirk, Passmore), JSMA Barker Gallery

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