Week Two: UO Libraries and More Comic Book Work

movie poster for Raya and the Last DragonHi,

As a follow up to this Monday’s class please find various resources below (all below links will open in a new tab or window).

First, as follow up to Giovanna’s presentation about the UO Libraries here are some links:

Next, remember that our first social event is this Thursday and we will be going to the Ducks After Dark movie showing of Raya and the Last Dragon, see more information here: https://www.instagram.com/ducksafterdark/. Be there at 7:00pm, doors open at 7:15pm.

Some information about Art Ducko and the UO Comics and Cartoon Studies Minor:

Art Ducko = Not finding a ton of current information, but see if you can contact them through their email on this page: https://uoregon.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/art-ducko and here is their main blog site (this does not look to have been updated for a little while): https://artduckomagazine.wordpress.com/

UO Comics and Cartoon Studies Minor: https://comics.uoregon.edu/ and most current course listings: https://english.uoregon.edu/term-course-offerings?offering_term=All&fulfillment%5B%5D=48

And as promised a preview of next Monday, October 11th, and we will spending the first half of class doing some discussion activities.  Again, we are not grading these activities but we want to help you all feel more comfortable practicing academic focused discussions, and of course we want to hear from you about what you have learned in the first couple of weeks in your ART 101 and ENG 280 classes!  Be ready to discuss the following:

  1. What is one topic from both classes you are already applying to your comic book work?
  2. What do both the classes have to say about the artistic creative voice?  As in how do artists and writers bring out thematic topics (political, social, cultural, and personal) in their work?
  3. In what ways do you see personal connections to the artists and writers you are learning about?  How do you personally relate to the artists and writers, and their creative approaches to storytelling?

And last but not least!  For those of you wanting to jump to the next stage(s) of your comic book process here is the second Creative Journal: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/myvisualstory/files/2021/10/My-Visual-Story-Creative-Journal-Two.pdf

As always please contact either one of us with questions, stuff you want to share with the class, and your thoughts!


Robert and Giovanna

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