Week Two: Museum of Art Visit (Oct. 11)


Front doors at Museum of Art UO

JSMA  front doors!

For our second class meeting this Friday (Oct. 11th) we will be meeting at the UO Museum of Art.  Please meet us either at the front doors or inside the front lobby of the Museum at noon next Friday.  See: https://jsma.uoregon.edu/location-and-hours

For this class please bring in:

  1. Your first Creative and Discussion Journal, be sure to fill in answers to question #3, and please feel free to add more details to the other questions and/or to your first theme drawing (hint: if you have not read the book this would be a great time to read at least some of it to make your connections to the book in your answers even stronger, remember I will be collecting this first Journal when we meet at the Museum in order to evaluate your work this first week),
  2. An attitude ready to introduce yourself more to the class,
  3. An attitude ready to explore and talk about the Museum’s exhibits!

And as always if you have questions please let me know (rmorris1@uoregon.edu).



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