Week Seven: Studio Time


Okay, this is the week I promise that we will be working on the comics!  So for our upcoming session Friday make sure to bring art supplies (pencils, pens, sketchbooks, paper, etc.), your comic book progress, and an energy to work on your comic book stories!  Again, I do have sketchbooks I will be bringing to the class session (8 ½ x 11 and 8 x 5.5 sizes).

And reminders from last week:

  1. Thank you all for participating in last Friday’s discussion, and as I have noted already please keep thinking about ways in which to help facilitate discussions that are both engaging and inclusive of everyone’s voice.  There were excellent insights throughout the entire discussion, and I especially thought the conversations around the historical context informing Thi Bui’s narrative and art style of note.   Sounds like lots of interest about the Vietnam War, I recommend taking a class about it and watching documentaries about that history.  As was noted today it is a history I believe has been lost a bit with the passing of time.  I also thought the discussions about the Vietnamese landscape and culture now and then were very insightful and led to some great conversations about cultural and historical stereotypes, excellent topic to bring up Megan.
  2. Name Your Achievement worksheets due next Friday at class.  I know some of you completed these already and sorry I got distracted and did not collect the completed ones but no issue at all bringing those next week.  But if you want feedback about your proposal sooner please feel free to email me a scan/photo of your worksheet.
  3. Nominating other students for Achievements, love the idea!  Send those nominations to me via email.  Let me know who you are nominating (of course) and a few details about what the Achievement is for (1 = name it, and 2 = describe why and how you think it is important to the class).  And thank you Miranda for proposing that idea, that is my nomination for an Achievement and Miranda earns an Achievement for the “Nomination of Other Students for Achievements Idea” because her idea is important for the strengthening of the social bonding, collaborative, and collegial culture of our College Connections course.
  4. Watchmen movie posterRemember to meet with me at the time you scheduled for our individual appointments.  If you have questions about the time you signed up for please let me know.
  5. IMPORTANT = Let Bailey know before noon Wednesday next week (November 7th) if you need a room for the Watchmen screening social, and if you all arrange a room on the class chat you still need to let Bailey before noon Wednesday (November 7th) that she does not need to arrange a room.



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