This upcoming Friday we will be diving into the The Best We Could Do graphic novel. Be sure to fill out your Oct. 19th Discussion Journal page as best as possible for we will be doing a variety of activities around both parts, and especially Part 2. Remember for Part 2 you need to reference the questions/thoughts posted to the course site here: My goal for this Friday is to come up with our questions we would like to ask Thi Bui. We shall see how far we can get on this!
Additionally, here are some reminders from last week’s class:
- Any resources to share on the class site’s Resources page? I’m serious about this one, would love any great sites/etc. you have to share with the class:
- For the Watchmen screening/social if you need help with a room please let Bailey know.
- And again reminder that my “office support hours” are every Tuesday from 2:00 to 4:00pm, I am in PLC 58 (which is in the hallway behind the Tech Desk in the lower level of PLC the southeast side of the building, and the Tech Desk may not be staffed with someone who knows who I am so if they don’t know my name ask for the Teaching Engagement Program office PLC 58).
And as promised here are the Art Ducko resources I promised to post (including specific Art Ducko links and also resources mentioned in the Art Ducko presentation):
- Art Ducko site:
- Art Ducko upcoming events:
- Art Ducko meetings for fall ’18 are Thursday at 5pm in Condon Hall 301, except for next week (week 4) they will be meeting Friday at 5pm in EMU Spruce 232.
- Feel free to contact them at:
- Euzine:
- Webtoons:
- UO College of Design output room (printing/scanning):
- UO Campus Copy:
As always please let me know if you have questions.