Free Access to “The historical ecology of Pacific herring: Tracing Alaska Native use of a forage fish” Until September 15, 2016, you can get free access to an article co-authored by Dongya Yang, Camilla Speller, Antonia...
Half a Million Old Fish Bones McKechnie, Iain and Madonna L. Moss 2016 Meta-analysis in Zooarchaeology Expands Perspectives on Indigenous Fisheries of the Northwest Coast...
More than salmon and herring…. I am excited to report that a paper Iain McKechnie and I have been working on for a long...
Eugene Natural History Society Lecture – The Question of Climate Change Effects on Herring At the end of my January 15, 2016, lecture sponsored by the Eugene Natural History Society, I was asked...
Sewing Salmon Spines at Nunalleq Since we stopped excavating on Thursday, August 13, I have spent much of my time over the last 2...
hunting for herring & finding smelt from 49-NAK-008 Last spring, while working in the UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History, the sharp-eyed Anna Sloan found some...
Herring Eggs in Sitka What a privilege to go out on the boat with Sitka Tribe resource managers Jeff Feldpausch and Jessica Gill...