
by Makenna Crocker

As a giant media streaming service, Netflix has made a name for itself and remains one of the top of its kind.

Their mission statement:
“We promise our customers stellar service, our suppliers a valuable partner, our investors the prospects of sustained profitable growth, and our employees the allure of huge impact.”

How are they working towards their statements?
Netflix is constantly implementing new strategies to uphold their values and mission.For example, in 2015 the company allowed unlimited paid parental leave to their employees. This set them apart from practically every other business in the US and allowed them to keep more female employees while also getting good press (Noble).Netflix also offers unlimited vacation time to its employees, as it believes happy and healthy people will stay at the company and will ultimately be more productive(Thomas).

As the Covid-19 pandemic spread throughout the world, Netflix stepped up and created a $100 million coronavirus relief fund (Manos). This fund was built to help those in the industry who had been affected by the virus and the toll on the economy.

Aside from their care for their employees, Netflix is striving to lessen their carbon footprint. In 2020, they began reporting their renewable energy use. The compan ysources all of their electric power from renewable sources (Bylund). Furthermore, if renewable sources are not always available, they purchase green power. While their entire system is not perfect, the company is very transparent in their many attempts tobe a sustainable company that cares for the planet.

Netflix has also been known for celebrating and advocating for diversity through its campaigns. From its “Make room. More stories. More voices.” campaign to creating company roles focused on diversity and inclusion, the company understands the importance of hiring and listening to diverse creators and ultimately connecting to amore diverse audience as well.

With how successful Netflix has been, it’s important that they continue to hold themselves to a higher standard. Aside from being a largely successful streaming service, Netflix is a company that hears the conversations around diversity, socialjustices, equality, environment, and so much more. Being an active part of these conversations and not only speaking out on these issues, but constantly working to be part of the solution is what makes Netflix a responsible brand.

Bylund, A. “Netflix Just Started Reporting Renewable Energy Use and Content Removal”.Nasdaq​. 8 February 2020.
Manos, M. “How 2020 is Ushering In a New Era For Corporate Social Responsibility”.
Forbes​. 17 April 2020.“What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Why Does it Matter?”
​Noble​.“Examining Corporate Social Responsibility in the Industrial Space”. ​Thomas​. 23September 2019.

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