
We invite your input and insight and will offer multiple ways of participating in this process.

  • UO Listening Tour (September 2012 – February 2013)
  • GradConnect – Graduate student focus groups (January 2013)
  • Focused discussions with faculty (March 2013)
  • Feedback form for public vendor demonstrations during the RFI process (May – June 2013)
  • Vendor presentations from the RFP “finalists” (anticipated January – February 2014)
  • Faculty and students participating in the pilots will have additional opportunities to share their experiences and insights (Winter and Spring terms 2014)
  • This page (Leave a Reply below!)

7 thoughts on “Feedback

  1. I am presently DL Coordinator at ACC in Graham, NC and we are doing some research in reference to Canvas and Sakai. I am looking for data that can tell me ADA & 508/504 compliance user accessibility for both. Have you been able to do your research on that area by testing yet? Any information would be helpful. Thanks! Liz

  2. I’ve been using Obaverse for two terms in grad school this year and have used Blackboard for a total of 6 years of college. From a student’s perspective, Obaverse is not very easy to navigate. I frequently can’t find things my teacher posts and generally avoid using it whenever possible. Blackboard is so much cleaner and easier to use. In a course of 65 students this term, the teacher took a poll to see how many students would prefer Blackboard for the class or Obaverse. Only one student wanted Obaverse! I hope the University of Oregon takes a student poll before they decide to discontinue Blackboard!!

  3. I am the Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies for the Virginia Community College System. We are about to begin a similar process to review our LMS needs. I was wondering if the University of OR would be willing to share the documents that were developed during this process, such as the RFI and RFP? It would be helpful in our efforts and help us move more quickly.


  4. I am doing support for a large enrollment course with several sections. Currently, with Bb, if I have an announcement to make to several sections at once, I have to post the same announce on each course site separately. It would be nice if the new system let me post on all sections at once.

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