- Juliet Baxter (COE)
- Jim Blick (Registrar’s Office)
- Andrew Bonamici (Library, Co-Chair and Administrative Sponsor)
- Greg Bothun (CAS, Physics)
- Ron Bramhall (LCB)
- Helen Chu (Library, CMET, Co-Chair and Convener)
- Kassia Dellabough (Academic Extension) * for Sandra Gladney
- Kenneth Doxsee (Academic Affairs)
- Lisa Freinkel (Undegraduate Studies)
- Sandra Gladney (Academic Extension)
- John Hardwick (CAS, Chemistry)
- Kirstin Hierholzer (Library, User Experience and Assessment)
- Noreen Hogan (Identity Management, Information Services)
- Samantha Hopkins (CAS, Geology & Honors College)
- Abigail Owen (Honors College)
- Rachel Drummond Sardell (AEI)
- Nancy Slight-Gibney (Library, Budget and Assessment)
- Gretchen Soderlund (SOJC)
- Ying Tan (AAA)
- Eric Wiltshire (SOMD)
- Melissa Woo (Information Services)
- Louise Bishop (CHC)
- Deb Carver (Library, Chair / Convener)