Full Bibliography
Aesthetic relativism. (2006, October 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:12, October 11, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aesthetic_relativism&oldid=80292338
Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? in K.C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote addresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), 15-26. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Dutton, D. (2010, November 16) Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/denis_dutton_a_darwinian_theory_of_beauty.
Kimberly, L. (2010). Art for life’s sake [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.popphoto.com/gallery/flickr-creative-showcase-gallery-art-lifes-sake.
Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.
Gray, D. (2013). Control Your Values, and a Lesson from the Sphere. David Gray Oil Painting Techniques. Retrieved from http://dgoilpaintingtechniques.com/control-your-values-and-a-lesson-from-the-sphere/.
Gray, D. (2013). Control Your Values, and a Lesson from the Sphere [Photograph]. David Gray Oil Painting Techniques. Retrieved from http://dgoilpaintingtechniques.com/control-your-values-and-a-lesson-from-the-sphere/.
Sanders, C. R. (1989). Introduction: Body Alteration, Artistic Production, and the Social World of Tattooing. In Customizing the Body (pp. 1-35). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.