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Archive for the 'Unit 3' Category

Ellen Dissanayake’s theory of “Art for Life’s Sake”: a brief reflection essay

• April 21, 2014

Palaeoanthropsychobiological is an adjective coined by Ellen Dissanayake which attempts to describe art for life’s sake. The breakdown of the word is as such: palaeo – older or ancient, esp. relating to the geological past, the “Paleolithic Period.”Anthro – from anthrop, meaning human or humanlike; psych(o) – of the mind or mental processes; biological – […]

Why Art?

• April 18, 2014

Western American culture as we know it is filled with contradictions when it comes to subject of “the arts.” On a superficial level, there may be simply a spectrum of societal artistic value in our lives – from the bourgeois, high art to what we refer to as pop culture. I think that much of […]

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